
*If you attended the 2022 ACT MN State Self-Advocacy Conference, please complete the official survey here.


Typically, every other year Advocating Change Together and the Conference Planning Committee put on a two-day State Self-Advocacy Conference. Last year in the midst of the pandemic we held our first ever Virtual Conference. Using best practices from our virtual programs like small group sizes, mailing out materials ahead of time, mixing in lots of games and socializing we were blown away by how successfull it was. Building off of that success we’re thrilled to throw another one this year. Join us virtually through Zoom on April 22nd and 23rd to see old friends, make new ones, learn about self-advocacy issues, discover resources and celebrate disability pride!

Like the in-person conferences from previous years, this will be a self-advocate driven event featuring interactive and engaging sessions. Workshops will follow best practices with small breakout sizes, group discussion and fun activities. Come ready to participate, this is not a by-stander event! Attendees will be sent a packet in the mail ahead of time, stuffed full of goodies, a program book, a lucky BINGO card, and other handouts to enhance the experience.

A special Thank You to our main sponsor the Olmstead Implementation Office!


We need your help to make it great: